(From the script of a well-memed scene from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 2005)
MACE arrives with THREE JEDI to arrest PALPATINE.
PALPATINE: Master Windu. I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.
MACE WINDU: In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.
MACE WINDU and the other JEDI ignite their lightsabers.
PALPATINE: Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
MACE: The Senate will decide your fate.
PALPATINE: (burst of anger) I am the Senate!
MACE: Not yet!
PALPATINE stands, a laser sword appears out of his cloak sleeve, and he spins toward the JEDI.
PALPATINE: It's treason, then.
PALPATINE attacks the JEDI. DASH Rendar and LOADSOR start fighting and run to a control panel.
DASH: This switch opens the blast shield. Close it behind us, Loadsor.
LOADSOR: But... we'll be trapped.
Loadsor pushes the switch and they hide as the blast shield starts closing, just before PALPATINE reaches them.
OBI-WAN waits and waits and waits. (It's a ANAKIN/SHMI moment)
OBI-WAN: Young Skywalker...
OBI-WAN: ...Where are you?
OBI-WAN hears something. He looks at the top of the tower down below.
ANAKIN almost jumps.
ANAKIN: Obi-Wan?
OBI-WAN: Finally! The boat is ready. I'll come down and meet you.
ANAKIN runs off the platform of the city's top level.
Anakin keeps running, when he runs into something soft. He looks up and sees Padme; he stops and smiles.
PADME: Look, it's not safe here. Let's just board the ship and leave.
ANAKIN: Yes, I've found a way to save you-
PADME: Don't say it. I don't want to hear it.
ANAKIN: Padme, I ran away from my own emotions. I'm not afraid to let them rule me again. (Getting on his knees) I am a Jedi, and I believe in purity of thought, but I can't deny my feelings for you.
Anakin gets up, and starts to walk towards Padme, but he crumples over in pain.
PADME: Anakin? What is it?
ANAKIN: I can't see... Everything is spinning.
PADME runs to get some water from the ocean. She rubs some on Anakin's forehead, and realizes what's happening.
Ryan North: Seinfeld episodes (The first 5 lines are canon, the rest AI-generated)